Kalpana Harish, MPH, recipient of the Holly Smith Award 2023

Kalpana Harish, MPH, is the Senior Administrative Director for the Divisions of Transplant Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery & Endovascular Surgery & the Immunogenetics and Transplantation Laboratory (ITL) named the recipient of the Lloyd Holly Smith Award for exceptional services to the School of Medicine.
Kalpana's leadership spans one of the largest interprofessional teams within the Department of Surgery. She also provides oversight for the department’s research programs and biostatistics core. Kalpana is always willing to tackle any challenge, regardless of whether it falls within her defined scope. Her initiative, coupled with insight and strategic thinking, translates to superior effectiveness in her role. Kalpana and her teams are always working hard to improve clinical care, research, and education and are committed to serving the organization and making a positive impact on others. Kalpana embodies the qualities of generosity, humor, open-mindedness, and patience, making her an invaluable asset to the organization.
The Lloyd Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the School of Medicine was established in 2000 to recognize exceptional career service that has resulted in broad and long-lasting benefits to the School of Medicine. The award is named for Lloyd H. (Holly) Smith, Jr., whose 35-year career as chair of medicine and associate dean exemplified such an outstanding career effort.